The Role of Edge-Computing in Compliance

The Role of Edge-Computing in Compliance

Edge computing is transforming various industries by bringing data processing closer to the source of data generation. In the realm of compliance, particularly in financial services, edge computing offers significant advantages by enhancing speed, security, and efficiency. This deep dive explores the implications of edge computing for compliance, focusing on its impact on KYC (Know Your Customer), KYB (Know Your Business), and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) processes.

Understanding Edge Computing

Edge computing refers to the practice of processing data near the edge of the network, where the data is generated, rather than relying on a centralized cloud-based infrastructure. This approach reduces latency, improves real-time data processing capabilities, and enhances data privacy and security by minimizing the need for data transmission over the network.

Edge Computing in Compliance

Compliance in financial services is notoriously complex, involving rigorous KYC, KYB, and AML protocols. Traditional compliance processes often suffer from delays and inefficiencies due to centralized data processing, which can be slow and cumbersome. Edge computing addresses these challenges by enabling faster and more efficient processing of compliance-related data.

Key Benefits of Edge Computing in Compliance:

  1. Speed and Efficiency:
    • Reduced Latency: By processing data locally, edge computing significantly reduces the time it takes to verify identities and complete compliance checks. This is crucial in onboarding processes where quick turnaround is essential to maintaining customer satisfaction.
    • Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous, real-time monitoring of transactions and activities can be achieved, allowing for immediate detection and response to suspicious activities.
  2. Enhanced Security and Privacy:
    • Data Sovereignty: Local data processing ensures that sensitive customer information does not leave the jurisdiction, aiding in compliance with regional data protection laws such as GDPR.
    • Reduced Attack Surface: Minimizing data transmission reduces the potential for interception and cyberattacks, thereby enhancing the overall security of compliance operations.
  3. Scalability and Flexibility:
    • Modular Approach: Edge computing allows for scalable compliance solutions that can be tailored to the specific needs of different jurisdictions and regulatory requirements. This modularity is crucial for businesses operating across multiple regions.
    • Integration with Legacy Systems: Edge solutions can be integrated with existing compliance systems, enhancing their capabilities without necessitating a complete overhaul.

iComply and Edge Computing

iComply offers a comprehensive compliance platform that leverages the advantages of edge computing to deliver efficient and secure KYC, KYB, and AML solutions. Here’s how iComply integrates edge computing into its compliance framework:

Modular Compliance Solutions:

  1. iComply’s platform supports a modular approach to compliance, enabling businesses to configure, gather, check, and report data efficiently. The use of edge computing ensures that these processes are swift and responsive, meeting the demands of modern compliance environments​​.

Enhanced Data Security:

  1. iComply prioritizes the security of customer data through edge computing methods. By processing data locally, iComply minimizes the risk of data breaches and ensures compliance with global data protection regulations. This is particularly important for businesses that handle large volumes of sensitive information​​.

Automated Processes:

  1. Automation is a key feature of iComply’s edge-based compliance solutions. By automating routine compliance tasks, businesses can significantly reduce manual processing time and errors, thereby enhancing overall efficiency. This automation extends to real-time AML screening and dynamic risk management, allowing for proactive compliance management​​​​.

Customizable and Scalable Solutions:

  1. iComply’s platform is designed to scale with the needs of the business. Whether it’s for small enterprises or large financial institutions, the edge computing capabilities of the platform ensure that compliance processes can be customized and scaled according to specific operational requirements. This flexibility is crucial for businesses aiming to maintain compliance across diverse regulatory landscapes​​​​.

Case Studies and Applications

Financial Institutions:

Financial institutions benefit from the speed and security provided by edge computing in compliance processes. By implementing iComply’s solutions, banks can expedite customer onboarding, conduct real-time transaction monitoring, and ensure continuous compliance with evolving regulations.

Fintech Companies:

For fintech companies, edge computing enables rapid scalability and integration with innovative financial products. iComply’s edge-enabled solutions support seamless compliance processes, allowing fintech firms to focus on innovation without compromising on regulatory adherence.

Global Enterprises:

Enterprises operating in multiple jurisdictions face the challenge of complying with various regulatory requirements. iComply’s edge computing solutions provide the flexibility needed to meet these diverse requirements efficiently, ensuring that global operations remain compliant and secure.

Edge computing is revolutionizing the compliance landscape by providing faster, more secure, and efficient solutions for KYC, KYB, and AML processes. iComply’s integration of edge computing into its compliance platform exemplifies how technology can enhance regulatory adherence while reducing operational burdens. As regulatory requirements continue to evolve, edge computing will play an increasingly vital role in ensuring that businesses remain compliant in a dynamic and challenging environment.


The Ultimate Checklist for Choosing KYB Verification Software

The Ultimate Checklist for Choosing KYB Verification Software

Choosing the right Know Your Business (KYB) verification software is a critical decision for compliance managers, analysts, administrative leads, CFOs, and COOs across various industries including fintech, mid-size banks, credit unions, compliance firms, healthcare, real estate, and legal services. The right solution can streamline operations, enhance security, and ensure regulatory compliance. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to guide your decision.

1. Comprehensive Data Coverage

  • Global Reach: Ensure the software covers the jurisdictions where you operate, with access to international corporate registries.

  • Data Sources: Verify the range of data sources for entity verification, including business registries, financial records, and sanctions lists.

2. Accuracy and Reliability

  • Data Matching: Look for advanced matching algorithms that reduce false positives and ensure accurate entity verification.

  • Real-Time Updates: Confirm the software provides real-time data updates to reflect the most current information.

3. Compliance and Regulatory Support

  • Global Compliance: The software should comply with international KYB and AML regulations, including FATF guidelines, EU AMLD, and FinCEN.

  • Regulatory Changes: Choose a solution that proactively updates to reflect changes in regulatory requirements.

4. Integration Capabilities

  • API Integration: Ensure the software can integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, such as CRM and ERP solutions.

  • Modular Architecture: Look for a platform that offers modular components, allowing customization based on your specific needs.

5. Automation and Efficiency

  • Automated Workflows: The software should automate routine processes like document collection, risk assessment, and ongoing monitoring.

  • Task Management: Ensure it includes tools for managing compliance tasks efficiently, reducing manual intervention.

6. User Experience

  • Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface is crucial for smooth operation and quick onboarding of new users.

  • Customizable Dashboards: Look for customizable dashboards that provide relevant metrics and insights at a glance.

7. Security and Data Protection

  • Data Encryption: Ensure that data is encrypted both in transit and at rest to protect sensitive information.

  • Access Controls: Robust user access controls should be in place to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.

8. Scalability

  • Growth Potential: The software should be able to scale with your business, accommodating an increasing number of verifications as your business grows.

  • Cloud and On-Premise Options: Flexibility to deploy the solution either on-premises or in the cloud based on your IT strategy.

9. Support and Training

  • Customer Support: Look for providers that offer comprehensive support, including dedicated account managers and technical assistance.

  • Training Programs: Ensure there are training programs available to help your team get up to speed quickly.

10. Cost-Effectiveness

  • Transparent Pricing: Clear and transparent pricing structures that align with your budget without hidden fees.

  • Return on Investment: Evaluate the potential ROI by considering the efficiencies gained and the reduction in compliance risks.

Why iComply?

When it comes to KYB verification software, iComply stands out with its robust, comprehensive, and innovative approach. Here’s why:

  • End-to-End Solution: iComply offers a fully integrated suite of KYC, KYB, and AML solutions, reducing the need for multiple vendors and simplifying compliance management​​​​.

  • Advanced Technology: Utilizing edge computing and patented technology, iComply ensures fast, accurate, and secure verifications​​​​.

  • Proactive Compliance: Stay ahead of regulatory changes with a platform that adapts to new requirements, ensuring ongoing compliance and reducing risk​​.

  • Global Coverage: With data from over 195 countries and support for 142 languages, iComply provides comprehensive global coverage, making it suitable for multinational operations​​.

  • Customer-Centric Approach: iComply is dedicated to building trust through open communication, privacy, security, and accountability, ensuring a frictionless user experience​​​​.

By choosing iComply, you’re not just selecting a software provider; you’re partnering with a team committed to your success and the security of your business transactions.


How to Implement Automated KYC Verification for Your Business

How to Implement Automated KYC Verification for Your Business

In today’s fast-paced digital world, navigating the complex regulatory landscape can be a challenge for financial institutions and businesses. One critical aspect of compliance is Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. Manual KYC processes can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and inefficient. Thankfully, automated KYC verification offers a streamlined approach, enhancing accuracy and improving the overall customer experience. Let’s walk through the steps to effectively implement automated KYC verification for your business.

Understanding the Importance of KYC Verification

Before diving into automation, it’s crucial to understand why KYC verification matters:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures adherence to AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and CTF (Counter-Terrorism Financing) regulations.
  • Fraud Prevention: Helps prevent identity theft and financial fraud.
  • Customer Trust: Boosts customer confidence by ensuring secure and reliable verification processes.

Assess Your Current KYC Process

Evaluate your current KYC process to identify pain points:

  • How long does it take to verify a customer’s identity?
  • What’s the error rate in manual verifications?
  • Are customers satisfied with the current process?

Choose the Right KYC Software Solution

Selecting the right software is key to successful automation. Look for solutions that offer:

  • Comprehensive Identity Verification: Features like document verification, biometric authentication, and facial recognition.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and instant alerts for any suspicious activities.
  • Data Security: Secure data storage compliant with data protection regulations.
  • Customization: The ability to tailor the solution to meet specific regulatory and business needs.

Integrate KYC Software with Your Existing Systems

Ensure the new KYC software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems:

  • API Integration: Connect the KYC software with your CRM, banking systems, or other relevant platforms.
  • Data Migration: Securely transfer existing customer data to the new system.
  • Testing: Conduct thorough tests to ensure everything works smoothly.

Automate Identity Verification Processes

With the software in place, focus on automating core KYC processes:

  • Document Verification: Use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to automatically scan and verify identity documents.
  • Biometric Authentication: Implement biometric verification, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, to enhance security.
  • Liveness Detection: Ensure the system can distinguish between a live person and a photo or video spoof.

Implement Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts

Real-time monitoring is essential for managing risks effectively. Set up your system to:

  • Monitor Transactions: Keep an eye on customer transactions for any suspicious activities.
  • Generate Alerts: Automatically flag any anomalies or potential risks.
  • Automate Reporting: Create automated reports for regulatory compliance and internal audits.

Train Your Team

Ensure your team is comfortable with the new system through comprehensive training:

  • System Features: Familiarize everyone with the software’s features and functionalities.
  • Best Practices: Educate staff on the best ways to use the system efficiently.
  • Troubleshooting: Provide guidance on resolving common issues.

Monitor and Optimize the System

Continuously monitor the system’s performance and make necessary adjustments:

  • Performance Metrics: Track KPIs such as verification time, error rates, and customer satisfaction.
  • Feedback Loop: Collect feedback from users and customers to identify areas for improvement.
  • Regular Updates: Keep the system updated with the latest security patches and compliance requirements.

Best Practices for Automated KYC Verification

  • Prioritize Data Security: Ensure robust data encryption and compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
  • Maintain Transparency: Keep customers informed about how their data is used and secured.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure the system’s integrity and compliance.
  • Customer Support: Provide excellent customer support to assist with any issues during the verification process.

Automating KYC verification can streamline your compliance processes and enhance customer trust. By understanding your current process, choosing the right software, integrating it seamlessly, and continuously monitoring and optimizing, you can create an efficient and secure KYC verification system. At iComply, we are committed to making compliance easier, more efficient, and more secure. Our platform offers seamless integration, advanced security features, and customizable tools tailored to your specific needs.

Interested in transforming your KYC processes? Explore iComply’s automated KYC verification solutions today. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of compliance with confidence and ease. Contact us now to learn more and schedule a demo. Embrace the future of compliance with iComply and keep your business ahead in the competitive financial landscape.

Overcoming Challenges in Digital Identity Verification for Enhanced Security

Overcoming Challenges in Digital Identity Verification for Enhanced Security

Overcoming Challenges in Digital Identity Verification for Enhanced Security

In an increasingly digital world, verifying the identity of individuals in online networks has become an essential part of security and compliance measures. With users from all over the globe utilizing digital applications to handle their banking, asset management, healthcare, and more, creating seamless ways to verify a customer’s background is crucial to preventing giving accidental access to fraudsters or falling victim to cybercrime. The lack of robust digital identity verification can potentially lead to severe consequences such as identity theft, financial fraud, and in more severe cases, even abetting criminal activities like terrorism funding. In 2021, there was an alarming 45% increase in identity fraud cases globally, (source) further emphasizing the crucial nature of effective digital identity verification. As criminals rapidly adopt new practices to garner ill-gotten gains, regulators face the challenge of creating mandates that adequately address the unique difficulty of verifying a digital user. Fraudulent documentation, synthetic identities, biometric spoofing, data privacy concerns, user experience, cross-border verification, and scalability are among the common obstacles faced by organizations implementing digital identity verification systems. Below, we’ll take a look at the specific challenge posed by each, as well as the benefits of partnering with a proven KYC vendor like iComply. Read on to learn more. Fraudulent Documentation Fraudulent documentation remains one of the most popular forms of crime within the FinCrime world, and with digital users, the risks of letting fraudsters slip by undetected are greater than ever before. Fraudsters continually develop sophisticated methods to forge or manipulate IDs, passports, or other verification documents, to open fraudulent accounts, illegally transfer funds, or fund other illicit activities. The digital world is rife with skilled fraudsters that are often able to circumvent traditional verification methods, making the use of advanced features such as optical character recognition (OCR) and comparison algorithms to detect anomalies and inconsistencies essential. Implementing machine learning models that can learn from patterns and identify forged documents can significantly enhance the effectiveness of digital identity verification systems. Synthetic Identities As a step up from fake documentation, synthetic identities pose a particularly difficult challenge for the identity verification process. Instead of using randomly generated information, fraudsters combine real and fake information to create seemingly legitimate identities that are much harder to detect. The issue of synthetic identity fraud is growing; the Federal Reserve has estimated that synthetic identity fraud is the fastest-growing type of financial crime in the United States (source). Detecting synthetic identities requires advanced data analysis techniques and cross-referencing information from multiple trusted sources. Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms like those used in our iComplyKYC software makes it easy to identify patterns and anomalies in data can help organizations identify and flag synthetic identities, minimizing the risk of fraud. Biometric Spoofing Biometric authentication is a form of identification that verifies a user’s identity using their unique biological traits such as fingerprints, voices, retinas, and facial features. Despite the high complexity of these measures, criminals are able to manipulate data using fake fingerprints and other such dupes to deceive one-dimensional verification systems. Implementing platforms that leverage real-time liveness detection algorithms as well as multi-factor authentication adds extra layers of protection, and makes it much more difficult for nefarious users to access your network. Data Privacy Concerns While data privacy is far from a unique concern, there is no denying that Digital users face specific challenges when it comes to protecting sensitive data. Businesses must ensure that all information is ethically sourced and safely stored in order to remain compliant with regulations like GDPR and related mandates. Utilizing encryption techniques, secure data storage protocols, and implementing strict access controls can mitigate the risk of data breaches, as can employing privacy by design principles. User Experience The digital realm moves fast, and for businesses looking to optimize their onboarding and conversion while also staying compliant with jurisdictional regulations, the user experience must be as seamless as possible. Lengthy and overcomplicated processes often leave users feeling frustrated and increase the chance of non-adoption, whereas a simplified and easy-to-navigate experience makes it far easier for both parties to provide and process data in a timely manner. As criminal activity continues to diversify in the digital realm, it has become increasingly challenging to balance the realities of retrieving the necessary information to establish a qualifiable risk profile, while also providing a convenient experience to your end user. Cross-Border Verification Finally, digital transactions and users remove much of the standard geo-limitations that businesses with physical locations face. For those accepting clientele from across multiple jurisdictions (each of which typically has its own mandates and regulations), you must be able to tailor your identification and risk assessment protocols to meet the specific legislation of each area. Establishing partnerships with trusted data providers and leveraging their comprehensive databases can facilitate cross-border identity verification, and advanced AI algorithms can interpret and validate various international documentation as necessary. Future Trends in Digital Identity Verification Looking forward, we can anticipate a few key trends in the realm of digital identity verification: 1. Decentralized Identity Verification: As blockchain technology evolves, decentralized identity verification is becoming more viable. This method gives individuals control over their personal data, improving privacy while still allowing for efficient identity verification. 2. Adaptive Authentication: This trend involves using machine learning algorithms to analyze various factors and adjust authentication requirements in real-time, providing enhanced security while improving the user experience. 3. Self-Sovereign Identity: The concept of self-sovereign identity proposes that individuals should own and control their digital identities, with institutions verifying the attributes of the identity as needed. This could revolutionize digital identity verification, providing a balance between privacy and security. With the advent of these new technologies and methodologies, businesses and regulatory bodies must stay abreast of the changing landscape of digital identity verification, ensuring they adapt and implement these advancements to maintain robust security and compliance measures. Stay Ahead of CDD and KYC Mandates with iComplyKYC At iComply, we know that navigating the ever-evolving realities and challenges of verifying digital users can be time-consuming and difficult for businesses to manage. To help you mitigate risk and stay on top of current legislation, we offer a unique, end-to-end suite of KYC + KYB software that utilizes a modular platform that can be integrated into your workflow seamlessly with minimal downtime. With built-in compliance measures for 250 global jurisdictions, compliance had never been easier. Learn more by talking to our team today! DISCOVER ICOMPLYKYC

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Is your AML compliance too expensive, time-consuming, or ineffective?

iComply enables financial services providers to reduce costs, risk, and complexity and improve staff capacity, effectiveness, and customer experience.

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Implementing Client Due Diligence in Credit Unions: Protecting Members and Ensuring Compliance

Implementing Client Due Diligence in Credit Unions: Protecting Members and Ensuring Compliance

Implementing Client Due Diligence in Credit Unions: Protecting Members and Ensuring Compliance

The evolving financial and political climate of 2023 and a post-pandemic market have left financial institutions and credit unions facing unique challenges as they navigate the new and growing risks associated with conducting business in an increasingly digital world. With cyber criminals utilizing new efforts and tactics to pursue illicit activities like fraud, money laundering, identity theft, terrorist funding and channelling dollars into the drug and human slavery trade, the need to be vigilant when implementing counter-crime measures is more important than ever before.

Customer Due Diligence (CDD) plays an essential role in the fight against FinCrime and is particularly vital for credit unions to adapt to their existing security measures. CDD empowers financial institutions and businesses to remove the risk associated with partnering with unknown entities and individuals, prevents money laundering (AML) from happening within their own “walls”, and serves as a strong deterrent against opportunistic criminals looking to victimize your business.

Below, we’ll take a closer look at the implementation of CDD within credit unions, as well as the benefits of partnering with a proven KYC software vendor like iComply. Read on to learn more.

The Importance of Regulatory Compliance in Credit Unions

Credit unions operate within a regulatory framework that requires compliance with a wide range of anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) measures. These protocols are constantly evolving as global legislators like FinCEN attempt to thwart new criminal operations and changing approaches adopted by fraudsters etc. Staying on top of compliance protocols helps to maintain the integrity and safety of financial institutions, as well as protect credit unions (and their clientele) from unnecessary risks associated with questionable actors. Failure to comply can not only lead to heft fines (2022 saw nearly $5 billion in fines issued), but can also damage your reputation and lead to unintentional association with, or liability tied to criminal networks.

Membership Verification and Eligibility

Unlike traditional banks, credit unions typically serve a much more specific group of clientele, though the grounds for membership have relaxed for most modern unions. As a result of the unique requirements for onboarding, CDD for credit unions also involves verifying an applicant’s eligibility as well as their overall risk profile. Relevant documents, including those that provide proof of employment or residency to show they share the common bond. CDD protocols for credit unions must also have robust data management capabilities to keep track of qualification information should someone change jobs, relocate, or have other changes that would effect their membership.

Thorough Loan Underwriting and Risk Assessment

Credit unions offer their clients various loan services including personal, auto, and mortgage loans. To protect the best interests of both the union and clients, CDD plays an integral role in assessing the overall risk profile of applicants, as well as their creditworthiness for the specific service at hand. Details assessed to determine loan compatibility include credit history, financial information, evaluating repayment capacity and other outstanding debts, and related data. Thorough risk assessments enable credit unions to offer appropriate loan terms, interest rates, and credit limits while minimizing the risk of default, and also reduces the opportunity for fraudulent users to misappropriate funds in the process.

Ongoing Monitoring and Transaction Analysis

Just like any other financial institution, KYC and CDD protocols mandate that credit unions must have the proper systems in place to conduct ongoing monitoring of member activities. A union’s CDD platform must sufficiently monitor transactions, identify any core transaction patterns, flag suspicious behaviour, and make it easy for the recording institution to report questionable activity as quickly as possible. By implementing transaction monitoring systems and leveraging technological solutions like the modular suite of KYC and CDD products offered by iComply, credit unions can automate the process of flagging suspicious transactions based on predefined criteria, keeping your institution above board and in line with all AML and anti-fraud requirements within your jurisdiction.

Creating a Culture of Awareness


Finally, while training and education regarding CDD and KYC protocols is not exclusive to security requirements for credit unions, it is integral for the successful implementation of all safety measures. Proactivity remains one of the strongest assets in the global fight against financial crime. Credit unions, as well as all market players subject to regulatory standards must ensure that all employees understand the implications and importances of upholding best practices, as well as the repercussions for failing to do so. Staff should be educated on the importance of CDD, regulatory requirements, and the identification of red flags for potential illicit activities.

iComplyKYC Your Partner in Compliance

At iComplyKYC, we know the importance of integrating CDD practices into the backbone of your organization, as well as the peace of mind that comes with having the right solutions in place. iComply’s modular suite of KYC products, helps streamlines your identification and security processes, making it easy for credit unions to manage compliance protocols.

Book a demo with our team today to learn more about iComplyKYC’s CDD solutions and discover how our platform can be customized to fit the needs of your business or organization.


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Is your AML compliance too expensive, time-consuming, or ineffective?

iComply enables financial services providers to reduce costs, risk, and complexity and improve staff capacity, effectiveness, and customer experience.

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Overcoming Challenges in Digital Identity Verification for Enhanced Security

Safeguarding Society: How Customer Due Diligence Helps Prevent Global Crime

Safeguarding Society: How Customer Due Diligence Helps Prevent Global Crime

With the economy facing increasingly challenging times and banking institutions having to contend with a sharp increase in digital users over the past few years, the threat of cybercrime, specifically in the financial sector, is at an all-time high. At its core, the race to implement preventative measures is about far more than saving millions of dollars from being misappropriated; Know Your Customer (KYC), Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures play a significant role in protecting vulnerable persons across the globe.

As integral pieces that stand as part of the frontline in the fight against FinCrime, taking a serious stance when it comes to staying compliant with KYC legislation is essential for all businesses and related institutions. Below, we’ll take a closer look at the real-world applications for due diligence. Read on to learn more.

A Quick Recap on CDD Basics

One of the biggest risks associated with partnering with unknown individuals and/or entities is the ambiguity that comes with the lack of an established background. Transparency helps to weed out unsavoury characters and establish trusted business relationships by:

  • Establishing a valid customer identity;
  • Evaluating and vetting an individual’s or entity’s activities and associations for alignment concerns; and
  • Assessing and establishing a calculated risk profile vetted against a multitude of details, including background, political exposure, illicit or fraudulent activities, sanctions and judicial orders, and more.Where necessary, Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) may also be undertaken to gather further data for clients that present a higher than usual risk, come from countries known for housing excessive fraudulent activity, or for clients in industries that require an advanced level of documentation.When implemented properly, staying compliant with KYC and CDD measures helps to:

Prevent Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

The illicit transfer of money can have several high-risk implications and cause significant harm both on an economic and humanitarian level. Criminals often exploit financial systems to hide and “legitimize” their illegal activities, and to utilize funds for nefarious purposes. Many illegal funds are used in dangerous activities that present a risk to the global community, including terrorist funding (CTF), drug and human trafficking, the sale of black market weapons, and more.

Implementing robust CDD measures helps to flag suspicious transfers, as well as pre-emptively identify entities with known associations to questionable dealings or negative associations with below-board networks. In doing so, criminal networks lose the strength of their foothold within the financial sector and have a lessened ability to move money without being detected.

Identifying Fraudulent Activities

With much of the world’s banking and asset transfers now occurring digitally, identifying fraudulent activities has become increasingly complex. Customer due diligence is a powerful tool that enables businesses to amass the necessary information to build accurate risk profiles via identification documents, utilizing trusted global databases and more. Such measures allow fraud to be detected early on, protecting your business, as well as your client base, in the process.

Mitigating Corruption and Bribery

Financial corruption and bribery pose a significant risk to the global community, particularly in countries with unstable political climates and those undergoing rapid social change. Often tied to money laundering and other illicit activities, criminal networks will use financial institutions to fund corrupt activities or individuals. Thoroughly vetting potential customers and business partners helps identify any connections to politically exposed persons (PEPs) or individuals with a history of corruption, thereby giving you the ability to avoid association and, by extension, unwitting involvement in illegal activities.

Enhancing International Cooperation

Beyond keeping businesses compliant, CDD helps to promote a global ethos of prevention and proactivity when it comes to circumventing financial crime. While it remains extremely difficult to achieve universal adoption of legislative efforts and shared standards, each step towards a shared understanding of the vital role KYC and CDD play in crime mitigation is a step towards a safer global market. By sharing customer due diligence information with international counterparts and collaborating with law enforcement agencies, businesses can contribute to a collective effort to prevent global crime and build trust among their client base at the same time.

Compliance Made Simple

At iComply, we believe in the power of having trust in every transaction, and the importance of fostering secure communities through the implementation of CDD and KYC protocols. Our world-leading, modular suite of KYC products makes it easy to compile and respond to key customer data, navigate changing legislation, and reduce the cost of fincrime compliance by automating up to 80% of your KYC protocols.

Book a demo with our team today to learn more and to ensure your business is on the right side in the ongoing fight against financial crime.

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Is your AML compliance too expensive, time-consuming, or ineffective?

iComply enables financial services providers to reduce costs, risk, and complexity and improve staff capacity, effectiveness, and customer experience.

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