Trulioo: Get your ICO Ducks in a Row with iComply

by Nov 22, 2017

Trulioo: Get your ICO Ducks in a Row with iComply

Nov 22, 2017 | Blog, Events, In The News

We’re honoured that Trulioo asked our CEO Matthew Unger to be featured on this month’s blog!

Trulioo Blog: Get your ICO Ducks in a row with iComply
By: Bond Lai
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard the term ICO being tossed around a lot. You may have even participated in a couple already lured in by all the blockchain hype… Read the full article here.

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About iComply Investor Services Inc.
iComply Investor Services Inc. (iComply) is an award-winning software company focused on reducing regulatory friction in the capital markets. With powerful data, verification, tokenization solutions, iComply helps companies overcome the cost and complexity of multi-jurisdictional compliance to effectively access new markets. Learn more:

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