iComply Participates in the United Nations Blockchain for Impact Summit #BFI2018

Jun 13, 2018 | Events

iComply was recently invited to participate at the UN Blockchain for Impact Summit in New York. Our CEO Matthew Unger spoke to the delegation on behalf of the digital identity working group about governance of global identity regulation and how (if not mitigated by design) digital identity issues could lead to a dark and Orwellian future.

Unger’s group argued that ID subjects must have a say in any decision related to an identity protocol (consensus) and the need for a “Data Subject Bill of Rights” or “Digital Identity Charter” that includes the following:

  • Right to Create: everyone must have the right to create a digital identity they own and have control over. 
  • Right to Delegate Access: everyone must have the right to choose who has access to their identity and personal information, and the right to revoke that access. 
  • Right to Recover: everyone must have the right to recover what data is stored about them and the ability to recover or reset lost or stolen private keys. 
  • Right to Audit: Everyone must have the right to see all data about themselves that is stored as well as who has historically and currently had access to their data and for what purpose. 
  • Right to be Forgotten: Every individual must have the ability to completely erase their personal data from a digital identity system. 
  • No Backdoors: personal data must be completely secure with no third party given access to overwrite data or access credentials. 
  • No Honeypots: personal data about individuals must not be commingled with the personal data of others.

iComply was pleased to participate in this event and looks forward to future engagement with the United Nations Blockchain Working Group.

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About iComply Investor Services Inc.
iComply Investor Services Inc. (iComply) is an award-winning software company focused on reducing regulatory friction in the capital markets. With powerful data, verification, tokenization solutions, iComply helps companies overcome the cost and complexity of multi-jurisdictional compliance to effectively access new markets. Learn more: iComplyIS.com